

This is a bit of a tricky question, right up there with ‘How long is a piece of string’

Therapy, Readings and Healings are all as different as we are. There isn’t a one size fits all approach to lasting healing or change. It’s essentially up to you how long and how much effort you take to understand and implement information. And how ready you are to let go of the past to move forward. Some people have quite complex patterns of behaviour and may take several sessions, and time out to heal, before they’re ready to finally let go. Others, however, have had enough and can flick the switch in one session. So again, it’s up to you, where you’re at, and how much you can cope with in one session.

$175 per session.

Barter acceptable.

This is a bit of a tricky question, right up there with ‘How long is a piece of string’

Therapy, Readings and Healings are all as different as we are. There isn’t a one size fits all approach to lasting healing or change. It’s essentially up to you how long and how much effort you take to understand and implement information. And how ready you are to let go of the past to move forward. Some people have quite complex patterns of behaviour and may take several sessions, and time out to heal, before they’re ready to finally let go. Others, however, have had enough and can flick the switch in one session. So again, it’s up to you, where you’re at, and how much you can cope with in one session.

$175 per session.

Barter acceptable.

I won’t tell them. And I don’t keep notes or files.

Truthfully, we all have baggage. We’re supposed to, it’s why we’re here. And go you for doing your best to deal with your life! It’s so easy to get help if your car isn’t working properly, or there’s something you don’t understand at work. If asking for help with small things is difficult for you, you may have the same trouble asking for emotional help. I’d actually look deep inside to find out why that is before I address other issues. Other than that, speaking to a good therapist can work wonders.

The one that works best is one that you listen to. There are so many Therapies available and that’s both fantastic and confusing. Most therapies produce results. Some take longer than others. I’m impatient which is what I love about NLP, and the Toltec path. I’m not interested in spending ages in weekly sessions pouring my heart out. But that works really well for some people. So, it’s a bit of horses for courses.

If you’re thinking of something long term, I would suggest seeing if you can have a brief with the therapist to see if that person is right for you. You don’t need to be BFF, but it’s much easier if you’re on the same page. I also need to point out that we’re not here to be liked, and like a personal trainer if you’ve had one, getting angry at me is awesome. It means I’m doing my best.

I’m so glad you asked. It stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. A set of procedures developed in the 70s that stripped back the finest therapists at the time to the basic essentials of what they did and how they did it, that worked. Richard Bandler and John Grinder studied therapists, from Hypnosis to psychiatry and worked out a simple set of protocols that eliminated what was superfluous. It became a formula. It’s quick.

Since then it has evolved and expanded to include Timeline Therapy by Tad James. It has been taken Corporate with Tony Robbins amongst others. Most business and sales trainings are NLP based. Life Coaching is another offshoot. As a formula, a set of procedures, it can evolve into anything and remain intact and valid. I personally have integrated it with my ancient Toltec and Shamanism.

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