
Exercise 2:
Not Doing, or Pattern Interrupt

This is great for when you’re stuck, unsure, want to change state, or want to test your perceptions and fluidity, and can be fantastic fun. This is a useful Stalking exercise. Essentially, a Not Doing, or Pattern Interrupt, involves not doing whatever you would normally do. Simple.

This can involve anything from taking a different route when going to work, brushing your teeth with your non dominate hand, through to responding differently to a situation or event. If you have always done something a certain way, now is the time to do it any other way. Change your routines, one at a time, or all of them at once, just for today, or for this week, and discover how many routines you really have.

For a Not Doing in a situation or event, you’ll need to stalk your usual response to a relatively similar event.

For example, if someone blames you for something, remember how you normally respond, and respond differently. If you get angry at or about something, in what other way can you choose to respond?

Remember to keep your sense of humor, and most importantly, remember to be as loving as you can be to yourself and everyone else. This is not an excuse for negative behaviour, rather an exercise designed to gain a wider perception of who you are and what you believe.


What you call reality